Labour Law

Attorneys   Labour Law

Labour Lawwhat can we do for you ?

Labour Law
The labour aspect of most businesses can be quite daunting if you do have a dedicated Human resources department, and even then compliance with the ever changing labour laws can have crippling effects on your company if procedure and fairness are not complied with.

Fines and unexpected pay-outs can place undue strain on your cash flow and bank account. Having drafted guides and manuals for many companies Savage Rowley Attorneys can ensure that your business is up to date, compliant and safe from CCMA claims.

We are able to offer you disciplinary services for your business, and compliance manuals for the day to day issues you may encounter with staff. Included in our guides are examples of notices, warnings, checklists and suitable punishments for certain types of offences.

Need an unbiased person to chair a hearing for you, we have staff that are able to assist in these hearings and provide fair outcomes.

Dismissal Guide

Labour legislation provides that every employee has the right not to be unfairly dismissed. There are fine lines that should not be crossed and exact procedures that need to be followed when dismissing an employee.

With this in mind it can be quite easy for an employer to err unintentionally when dismissing an employee, which could result in unpleasant and unexpected fines if the employee proceeds to their Union or to the CCMA.

It is for this reason Savage Rowley Attorneys have a tried and tested “Step by Step Dismissal Guide” which will assist the employer on statutory requirements and procedures to conduct hearings, sanctions for specific offences and even timelines for notices.

This guide can be stored electronically or filed in the office for quick access to templates of various documents, to mention but a few :

• Notice to attend a disciplinary enquiry
• Final Written Warning
• Verbal Warning
• And much much more…

If your business is not ready for the services of a labour consultant or a labour law attorney, or you simply prefer to be in control of your own business, then this guide is for you. It will enable you to dismiss and discipline staff in the correct manner that is safe and procedurally fair.

Attorneys | Notaries | Conveyancers

Specialists in family matters, litigation, labour law and conveyancing.